Analogway – Premium AV Switchers


Premium AV Switchers and Processors

Based on the powerful LiveCore platform, Analog Way’s Premium range offers state-of-the-art live processing.
Thanks to its versatile connectivity and numerous stunning effects, the Premium AV Switchers are ideal to make elaborate presentations. The intuitive Web RCS allows easy creation of stunning visual shows.


Analog Way’s Mixers & Seamless Switchers are designed to meet any requirement, whether it is for live events, conferences or integrations. With from 2 up to 12 analog and digital inputs and from 2 up to 4 scalers, our Mixers and Seamless Switchers offer multi-format mixing, edge blending, matrix switching and quadravision capabilities, with a variety of stunning dynamic transition effects. All the necessary features to make effective presentations at the best price/performance ratio.
